The project aims to develop and deepen the collaboration between the two National Park Centres in Bad Schandau and Krásná Lípa. Joint environmental programmes for children and young people should be jointly prepared, carried out and documented. The aim was for the two regions and countries to get to know each other. The core themes were nature and nature protection, as well as the joint history of the Saxon Bohemian Switzerland.
It was run in two languages, with the support of the other partner in individual elements.
Mit der Entwicklung und Durchführung mehrtägiger Bildungsprogramme sollte grenzüberschreitend allen Kindern und Jugendlichen - auch sozial benachteiligten - die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, außerschulisch an Aktivitäten in der Sächsisch-Böhmischen Schweiz teilzunehmen und die Nationalparkregion besser kennenzulernen.
Die Veranstaltungen wurden gemeinsam vorbereitet. Die Durchführung erfolgte zweisprachig, einzelne Teile mit Unterstützung des Partners.
The following building blocks were used:
> Organisation and execution of a 5 day environmental education programme for German and Czech elementary school children aged 5 to 12. The secrets of nature were explored together and kids got involved early with the neighbouring region.
> Organisation and execution of two meetings of the Junior Ranger Groups from Saxony and Bohemian Switzerland. After an invitation to the other country, both Junior Ranger Groups spent an eventful day in the “Waldhusche” in Hinterhermsdorf and at a tree planting campaign in Jetřichovice.
> Organisation and implementation of the summer camp“EXPERIENCE Saxon Bohemian Switzerland with the senses” for German and Czech children between 8 and 12. They went off together on a voyage of discovery through Bohemian Switzerland, whether on excursions through the sandstone area, on the trail of bats, an investigation of water insects or a little herbology.
> Organisation and execution or a work camp for young adults between 18 and 30, with an interest in nature and the German or Czech language. A nature trail was set up (Amphibian-pond, Deadwood as a beetle habitat, Tree planting, Forest experience trail) and activity around the European Bat Night prepared. The participants learned everything worth knowing from the experts about local flora and fauna in Bohemian Switzerland. Spoken animations completed the programme.
> Development of an internet presentation on the project activities with the lead partner
Bilingual information material was produced as part of the implementation.
Project name
Multi day events for children and young people in Saxon-Bohemian Switzerland
Project area
Nationalparkregion Sächsisch-Böhmische Schweiz
supported by the small projects fund of the Euro Region Elbe-Labe within the Objective 3 Programme of the European Fund for Regional Development
Project timing
The project was run from 01.05.2013 to 31.10.2013
Project partners
Ceské Švýcarsko o.p.s. – Leadpartner (
Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt, NationalparkZentrum Sächsische Schweiz
Nationalparkverwaltungen Sächsische und Böhmische Schweiz
Saxon Switzerland National Park Administration