Normale Ansicht
National Park CentreProjectsArchiveNatural features of Saxon Bohemian Switzerland

Natural Features of Saxon bohemian Switzerland

The project looked at the border region of Saxon Bohemian Switzerland, characterised by National Parks, and was targeted at the general public. It aimed to bring the cross-border region, its unique features and its high natural value closer, particularly to the local population.and also create an awareness that the National Park Region of Saxon Bohemian Switzerland is a single geographic entity despite the border. At the same time, language and cultural historical barriers between the two groups should be broken down by meetings relating to nature protection.


The core themes were nature and nature protection, as well as the joint history of the Saxon Bohemian Switzerland. The events were planned together, individual project elements were supported by the other partner in terms of organisation and / or selected activities organised in two languages to promote mutual awareness of the region and the neighbouring country.


The following project building blocks were used:

> Organisation and execution of two joint nature and language excursions (on both sides of the border) to get to know the neighbouring region, create cross-border contacts, establish friendships and develop knowledge of the other region’s language

> Development of new environmental education programmes for the nature trail and the area around Krásná Lípa

> Organisation and execution of talks and info material about the fauna of Saxon Bohemian Switzerland - in this case the wolf and lynx - for experts and the general public, some in the form of nature excursions-> Compilation of a list of public events in Bohemian Switzerland - the Lead Partner took part in four selected events in the border region with campaign stands.

>Organisation and execution of 10 specialist trips to Saxon Bohemian Switzerland (in each case 5 in German and 5 in Czech to the neighbouring country)

> Organisation and execution of two family evenings with bilingual education programmes to mark European Bat Night

> Publication of a German and Czech language brochure “From the world of birds in the National Park Region Saxon Bohemian Switzerland”


Within the framework of the project, these cross-border activities in the field of environmental education helped develop and deepen the collaboration between the two National Park Centres in Bad Schandau and Krásná Lípa.


Project name
Natural features of Saxon Bohemian Switzerland

supported by the small projects fund of the Euro Region Elbe-Labe within the Objective 3 Programme of the European Fund for Regional Development

Project timing
The project will run from 01.05.2013 to 31.10.2013, extended to the 30.11.2013.

Project partners
Sächsische Landesstiftung Natur und Umwelt - Leadpartner
Ceské Švýcarsko o.p.s.


Daniela Kotteck

Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst
Nationalpark- und Forstverwaltung Sächsische Schweiz
NationalparkZentrum Sächsische Schweiz
Dresdner Straße 2 B
01814 Bad Schandau

+49 (0)35022 502 56